Friday, May 21, 2010

Kiting at the Annual Kite Rodeo

It was a blizzard out, but in the back ground are a bunch of other kiters. We were close to Jackson Hotsprings (NW of Dillion, MT). We camped and soaked at Jackson Hotsprings, kited for a day, then soaked on our way home at Fairmount Hotsprings. Oliver went down the huge waterslide with us many times, and loved it!! I didn't get any pictures of soaking.

May 2010

Camping on Cliff & Wade Lakes. There were 2 bald eagles in a tree, in the distance, above our heads in the first photo, all weekend. It was so cool watching them so close to us, all weekend long!

Ella is also by Seth (her head peaking out next to Oliver).
Penny is getting so big! She is now 9 months old. She's a great addition of our family.

Sorry Seth. Bad picture of Seth....but, the dogs are cute!

We took a nice hike and discovered a beautiful hidden waterfall.

Bad picture, but shows the bottom of the water fall. so pretty.

While canoeing, we took a lunch break. hotdogs and brats. yummy.
What a cute little camper in his "crazy creek"!!

Below are some more random pictures from the last few weeks. Oliver is now 2 1/2; we can hardly believe how quick he is growing up. He is enjoying nicer weather, and always wants to be outside playing. He loves playing in the yard on his swingset his Dad built him, playing in the garden, chasing Penny and Ella around the yard with a ball, riding his motorized 4-wheeler, and the list goes on and on. We have been getting out camping, with some hiking and canoeing as well. Oliver loves to camp, especially at the lake. He did great in the canoe for a few hours! Although we pray for good work for Seth to come, he and Oliver have so much fun during the days. Seth is an amazing father to Oliver.

Silly boy

Cupcake face

Oliver decorated the cupcakes! I think they had more sprinkles, then frosting.

Who doesn't eat some of the batter?