Monday, January 16, 2012

MLK day~ sledding then Bozeman Hotsprings

Oliver's first season of ski lessons

Oliver is having a blast in his ski lessons this year. He is in a group of 5 kids, and goes every Sunday for 2 hours.

Lunch in the lodge before skiing ~ Excited for lessons to start!!

Oliver's instructor, Bo

Monday, February 14, 2011

Big Sky Montana

Oliver and his buddies, Soby Merlino & Lauren Winter
Oliver and Callie Soby & I

January 2011- Big Sky skiing and jumping

bungee trampoline at Big Sky - Jan. 2011 "you sure about this mister?"

Oliver's good buddy Soby


Playing in the yard.

Mom & Oliver ski day!

Jason-Big Sky

Suzie & Jason (sister & brother-in-law)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15, 2011

Being a little stinker and pulling his arms out his car seat straps.
He is very good at stopping and the snow plow.

Oliver and Mom had a ski day together. We skied several runs together before Oliver was ready for Playcare fun. He loves to ski and he loves Playcare. He simply loves all things Bridger Bowl. Here are few from our day.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


These photos are from Saturday, Dec. 11th, at Bridger Bowl. Oliver is doing awesome at skiing this year. He has no fear and really loves it. Oliver is 3 yrs and 1 month He told me a few times, "look out Mama", and told his Dad a few times while helping get set to go, "let go Dad". I even heard him say at one point after a wipe out, "I need better skis Dad". Ha! and nope, his skis are perfect for him.
We are looking forward to a fun winter at Bridger Bowl this year!!